16.11.2009, 17:59
Da ich kein Englisch kann, würdet ihr mir sehr helfen, wenn ihr mir nachfolgenden text übersetzen würdet.
Vorab herzlichen Dank.
About this distribution
This zip file distribution contains only the
essential files needed to run FM Tile Tools -
to save space and download time it doesn't
include a help file or installation program.
To Install the files, first find the "plugins"
directory for your host image editing program.
Then copy the plugin files fmtt1.8bf, fmtt2.8bf,
and fmtt3.8bf to that plugin directory. When
you restart your image editing program, the
filters will be listed under the "FM Tile Tools"
heading under the filter menu.
For more information, read the readme.txt file
included in this distribution.
Vorab herzlichen Dank.
About this distribution
This zip file distribution contains only the
essential files needed to run FM Tile Tools -
to save space and download time it doesn't
include a help file or installation program.
To Install the files, first find the "plugins"
directory for your host image editing program.
Then copy the plugin files fmtt1.8bf, fmtt2.8bf,
and fmtt3.8bf to that plugin directory. When
you restart your image editing program, the
filters will be listed under the "FM Tile Tools"
heading under the filter menu.
For more information, read the readme.txt file
included in this distribution.