Festplatten-Dummheit - -
Guten Morgen, Jürgen,

Du schreibst:
"Such doch mal im Web nach kostenlosen Downloads (Google)."

Damit verstehe ich Dich so, dass es unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten (Firmen) gibt, wo man/frau ein Upgrade herbekommt (?), auch kostenlose -.

Werde nochmal suchen.

"...dass man ein Bios bei einer "Aktualisierung" auch verbrennen kann."

Der Ausdruck "verbrennen" sagt mir nix = zerstören, kaputtmachen?

Nach mehrmaligem googeln landete ich immer bei

Die Firma mailte mir:

eSupport.com is the Exclusive Authorized Upgrade and Support Center for Award BIOS. For 14 years, we have constantly upgraded thousands of motherboards and developed new BIOS Upgrades for all the latest technology. Our BIOS Upgrades are guaranteed to work on your system.

Based on the technical specifications you had
submitted, we have an excellent BIOS Upgrade
for your system. We have the brand new AwardBIOS
for your motherboard. The price is only USD$24.95

The most notable features are:

-Hard Drive support up to 137 GB
-48-Bit Support up to 500 GB(for customers with Award ver. 6.00)
-Faster Intel and AMD CPU Upgrade Kit Support
-Windows 2000 and Windows XP Compliance
-ACPI Specification for Advanced Power Management
-USB 2.0 Support
-CD-ROM + LS-120 Boot Support
-Virtual technical support assistance

We can e-mail you the latest BIOS upgrade for your
specific system and attach it as a zip file (170KB)
with the necessary flash loaders. We provide a Read Me
file with easy installation instructions, hundreds of
BIOS FAQs online, and free e-mail based technical support.
Telephone technical support is not available.


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Meikel - 04.01.2004, 14:26
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Jürgen - 04.01.2004, 18:21
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Meikel - 04.01.2004, 19:27
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Jürgen - 04.01.2004, 21:33
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Meikel - 05.01.2004, 08:16
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Meikel - 05.01.2004, 08:21
Festplatten-Dummheit - - - von Jürgen - 05.01.2004, 11:17